Monday 12 August 2019


Image result for bloggingImage result for internet     When i was in my elementary, our classes weren't hard for me cause i think they were basic. But when I'm in high school it was hard because all the lessons were new to me including the ICT/TLE. It was hard because it was new to me and i have no idea what will our lesson be. Now that I'm in 4th year, our lesson still hard for me. First grading have been passed, there's so many things that i learned in our lessons. One of that is the Internet. I wasn't expecting that this will be our lesson. I learned the history of Internet and whoever made the Internet. One problem that i encounter in our lessons are the history because i have a hard time in memorizing the years. But i try my best to memorize them.        Moving on, I'm expecting that more interesting lesson will be encounter in 2nd, 3rd and 4th grading. Our lesson in first grading was interesting because i wasn't expecting it. I expect some editing program or whatsoever that involves editing but it was not. And i find it more fun because we can share our thoughts or opinions through blogging. Thanks to our lessons.


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