Sunday 11 August 2019


Image result for earthquake preparednessImage result for earthquake philippines       Earthquake have been often occurring in the Philippines, and it was very dangerous because we cannot predict where or when will it going to happen. All we can do is a preparation for it. Our country is located in the Pacific Ring of Fire where there are volcanoes that might cause earthquake or some disasters. Earthquake is the vibration of earth due to rapid release of energy and it has a great impact to the environment especially to us because sometimes it takes lives depends on the magnitude of it. As a preparation to it, we’ve been practicing earthquake drills and teaching to students what to do in case of an earthquake. This is NDRRMC’s ideas so that every student could be prepared in case of an earthquake. One that NDRRMC teach to every students is to Duck, Cover and Hold when an earthquake occurs and to go to an open area so that you’re away from any harm. In my opinion, I say that this is a good idea and this is beneficial to every student or everyone so that we can prepare if an earthquake is going to happen.


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