Sunday 19 January 2020


Image result for new year"          2019 pass by like a blur to me. Its like yesterday I'm just a grade 9 student but as 2019 ends, there's so many things that are done. Now its 2020, another days and memories again to treasure.  

     There are 366 days in the year of 2020 and i hope that great things will happen in my life. Almost all of us celebrate this day to welcome the new year and to wish that our new year will be full of good things.And there are things that we call New Year's Resolution where you have to promise to yourself. 2019 was a very very fun year and i think its the best of the best for me because i met new friends and new people around me. I hope that 2020 will be good to me. 

    I wish for the health of my family and away from danger. My new year's resolution is to be hardworking in school and everything that I do.


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