Tuesday, 10 March 2020


Image result for photoshop
          Fourth grading is about to end and so as classes. We are now in grade 10 so we'll have our completion. I just want to share my learning about our topic, so here it is. Our topic is about Photoshop. We have learn this when we were in grade 8 so we have a bit of knowledge about our topic. Our topic is interesting to me and fun but its kind of difficult cause were not professionals. Adobe Photoshop is a raster graphics editor developed and published by Adobe Inc. Windows and macOS.

Sunday, 16 February 2020

Dream to Reality

Image result for dream         Since i started going to school, i've decided my dream and that is to become a doctor . I promise to myself that i will pursue my dream no matter what happen . Sometimes i dream that i'm already a doctor . I will face all the consequences that i will encounter and give all i can . I will study hard . I imagine myself operating someone or having a clinic, that's my dream . I don't know what is my future but i'll try my best to make it successful.


HS DAY 2020

Image result for isnhs
          Every year we celebrate high school day. This serve as our foundation day. Today celebration, it's only one day because of NCOV. It will be conducted on March 21, 2020. There will be parade of all students , field demo were in per year level would dance and coronation in the afternoon . High school day is fun but there's so much people that we don't fit in the whole school . But the activities are surely every students enjoy because this memory is only last here, in ilocos sur national high school . 

source: https://www.google.com/search?q=isnhs&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiRq-6F8tfnAhXJAJQKHV3GCC8Q2-cCegQIABAA&oq=isnhs&gs_l=img.3..0l2j0i10j0i24l4j0i10i24.6353.10042..10307...1.0..4.591.3406.6j7j4-2j2......0....1..gws-wiz-img.....10..35i39j0i10i67j35i362i39j0i67j0i131i67.Nao-qkJzX9U&ei=kClKXpGjKMmB0ATdjKP4Ag&bih=876&biw=1821#imgrc=X3l9fwwjoQSOIM


Image result for kannawidan 2020         Kannawidan is a celebration only in Vigan City. This is the most awaited celebration every year because of the activities. This, it's the 13th kannawidan ilocos sur festival in memory of the 202 year anniversary honoring the birth of the province. Some celebrities come to vigan to celebrate also and to make people happy. Kannawidan is very fun and it's only once a year also it is only in vigan so if you want to experience the kanyadan celebration, you should come to Vigan City.


Me and I

Image result for myself
        Blessed with intellect and a set of skills, we, the human race, have been placed on Earth for purpose, and it is our duty in life to discover exactly what that purpose is. I believe giving back to society is quite simply a responsibility.

                     In my 15 years of existence, i wonder what changes did i encounter. Just like the world today, our world today have facing a lot of problems and we can only solve this thru changing ourselves to be responsible to our surrounding. Everyone can make a change and it will all began thru ourselves. We have our own changes and thru our changes we don't know there's something changing without noticing it. 
       The positive impact I can make can starts within myself, by becoming a truly giving person, I can change the world. While self improvement may seem passive process, it's actually a challenge requiring daily practice. It involves continually controlling my thoughts and actions to determine the type of person i want to be. My mission to positively change the world begins with self improvement and concludes with making kind of acts an instinctive part of my daily life.

Source: https://www.google.com/search?q=myself&sxsrf=ACYBGNRX9jgM_iqq4acSShM_oNSvDnQzAA:1581918397726&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj2yqOh8dfnAhVvw4sBHZ6yCHIQ_AUoAnoECBAQBA&biw=1821&bih=876

Sunday, 19 January 2020


Image result for longganisa festival"         The Vigan City Fiesta is held in honour of St. Paul the Apostle, the city’s patron saint, on 25 January each year. Locals and tourists gather to experience and see the street dancing, carnivals, food fairs, and arts and crafts, adding to the attraction of this UNESCO World Heritage City.In late January, the Vigan celebrates City Fiesta and Longganisa Festival is included in the festive program. It's normally celebrated around January 22nd to January 25th—the dates vary from year to year. During the festival, every tourist has a chance to try authentic longganisa from Vigan.
   Participants from the different neighboring provinces in the northern region are also sent to compete in the various games and activities, particularly the street dancing competition. This participation by other municipalities makes the vigan city fiesta not only local event participated by vigan's officials, but a national event participated in by other local public heads and national officials. Within the Vigan City Fiesta days, the Longganisa Festival is also celebrated. The city has a long-themed parade at a one time attempted to set a record for having the longes longganisa ever made.  


Image result for new year"          2019 pass by like a blur to me. Its like yesterday I'm just a grade 9 student but as 2019 ends, there's so many things that are done. Now its 2020, another days and memories again to treasure.  

     There are 366 days in the year of 2020 and i hope that great things will happen in my life. Almost all of us celebrate this day to welcome the new year and to wish that our new year will be full of good things.And there are things that we call New Year's Resolution where you have to promise to yourself. 2019 was a very very fun year and i think its the best of the best for me because i met new friends and new people around me. I hope that 2020 will be good to me. 

    I wish for the health of my family and away from danger. My new year's resolution is to be hardworking in school and everything that I do.


Saturday, 4 January 2020


Image result for frontpage" Another grading is about to end again. As time passes by new knowledge again that i have been encountered. A lot of problems but i solve them by not giving up and trying until i succeed. We learn about Web Design. Lots of knowledge and editing skills have been done.We learn how to have a teamwork. I hope in the next grading a lot of exciting things will be encountered.
