Wednesday 18 December 2019


Image result for vawc"
         VAWC or the Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Act of 2004, is a law passed to protect women and children from violence. Also known as RA 9262, the law is in keeping with the provisions on human rights enshrined in the Philippine Constitution, as well as the fundamental rights and freedoms guaranteed in various international declarations and documents to which the Philippines is signatory.The law protects women and children against various acts of violence, whether taking place in or out of the home.
     We people should respect each and everyone's right. We all have rights in this world and that is to not hurt each and everyone. God made us to love everyone and to be loved either your position is in highest, it does not care cause we made equal and we should be respect equally. God sacrifice himself so that we could be saved from harm so we should repay him by not hurting others.  


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